School & Education

School & Education

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P1010040(1)-crop-crop-3 リンパ マッサージ スクール 

Aromapressure is particularly famous for the quality of its education’s system.
Our books, videos and articles are highly appreciated by both professionals and beginners due to our simple explanations.

Daniel Mardon considers that learning massage and physical therapy is very difficult because a therapist needs to know well the body.  Professional therapists should know about the skeletal, muscular, nervous and circulatory systems as well as medical doctors do.  Medical studies are long,  while therapists take usually shorter programs.  However, despite physiotherapist’s curriculum are rather short, students still need to learn in depth the parts of the body they will be working on.
リンパマッサージ 効果 スクール リンパドレナージュスクール 沖縄
Aromapressure has created a method that allows students to quickly learn with simple words and imagery.  Our books, lectures and seminars are always illustrated by “hand-made” drawings that Daniel Mardon created with all his passion to teach.

Aromapressure received an Award of Excellence from the European Union Chamber of Commerce of Hawaii for its dedication to spread education and innovation in healing.
リンパドレナージュスクール 沖縄

ハイドロキネジテラピー スクール 水療法 リンパドレナージュ スクール 沖縄
Regular classes are taught for beginners or advanced therapists at our School in Okinawa.
Seminars, workshops, special classes, events, etc… are done all year long in Japan and abroad.
Please contact us for your needs.

seminar_roppongiRoppongi Hills seminar

P101000333 P1010044Roppongi Hills seminar

P1010056 リンパドレナージュスクール 東京

リンパドレナージュスクール 東京 リンパドレナージュスクール 東京

Red cross hospital seminar

クリニカルアロマテラピー スクール 沖縄


